Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Finding A Way Through

What I'm finding out when it comes to running my own slick side-business is that losses happen. No matter how annoying they are for me because I just want to keep on winning and making profit like forever, I have to keep on plowing through while embracing flops that just are bound to happen inevitably. It just means that there are uncontrollable forces a person has to deal with, especially when it comes to making gambling a profession. 

If the reader is just joining me, then let me fill in that I'm working on profiting off of two low-maintenance jobs with almost no worries of how much money I put in it because I expect it to have exponential growth someday while I stay loyal to my strategies. I'm not going to share what they are though and closely guard them, but I will freely take everybody else's ideas if I think they will work! It's pretty naughty, I know. 

Actually, if I ever run into a guy or lady I really respect and he or she has more skills than I do with the proof and believes in me and wants to team up then I will freely let out my ideas and still surpass that person competitively in terms of gaining money. Until then, I think it's reasonable based on my preferences of how I interact with people and keep to myself and not find those really good ones except just average Joes and Joanne's, that I'm on my own for the rest of my life until I become that respectable person I so highly would love to be!