Friday, August 9, 2019

Tempting To Regret Vows But Better Things Are In Reach

I can say that I'm really lucky in that from making these vows to the Lord and something I'm wholeheartedly sticking to even though I want to break them during my vulnerable moments which isn't that bad to begin with, it's actually not that bad! If my vulnerable moments were really that crazy, then I would be put in jail from breaking the law and that's not happening at that moment. It would have gone by already with all this significant time to work on something. If I was planning a major heist and got away with it, it still means I didn't get caught so I'm seen as innocent to the law. It just means that a few individuals would be wishing I didn't screw them over. Like an evil person I can be, I'm still saying that I'm not breaking the law and by saying it this way, I'm not in jail at the moment so I'm innocent no matter how someone wants to look at it differently!

Okay, I'm trying to be a smarty pants and accept outcomes where the chips fall nicely as possible at the same time. Getting back to my topic, it is tempting sometimes to break my vow to the Lord but I'm still not giving into them like no matter what. This vow is just reaching into like the deepest part of my stubbornness and confidence that I can stick to it just for my faith in Jesus!

Looking at it now, because I'm not distracted from giving into what I would usually do, there's the better options to go for and those are ideally the best things to have. It's just that they are monstrously difficult and require so much effort that it's possible I could die while never reaching those goals. It's still morally better to go after those things besides being distracted if I were to break my oath and give into stupidity. It's really working out still and I'm starting to accept where the chips will fall while doing the best I can to work harder than even the most lucky people out there to get to their spot I would love to be in! I'm not sweating much either while working at getting there. It's practically trying to get there from using fun methods. If it never happens, at least I died trying while enjoying myself. I'm ready to keep on moving forward.