Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Making My Own Unique Living

I have come to accept losing at competitive games that also involve gambling and some luck like poker is something that I can barely handle. Once I lose at least half of my buy-in or reach my target, I'm out for the whole day. I really like this set-up that I have going for myself. I'm the type who wants to make money while stressing the least about it while putting in a decent amount of hard work that will just feel good.

I'm going to go after being self-employed and who knows, I might even lead a team of software developers someday. I'm actually willing to put in all this time and effort to grind away with developing entertaining software that will also generate a lot of profit for the company and please its users. My money makers that I'm going to stick with are swing trading the Forex market, playing quick games of online poker until the U.S. shuts down this online casino, and being a software engineer. I'm going to secondly focus on investing in dividend stocks and building retirement accounts from some of the money I make so I won't have to worry about feeling tight with money and go travel with family and buddies or feeling confident about picking up a single lady who is my type.

What I've been noticing all these years ever since I was a kid is that the average person doesn't seem to be into focusing that much to reach a really high level of success. Maybe they are just settling with it while managing their depressed feelings and suppressing anger.

What about myself? I've turned into a very normal person, but I'm also in it for the long run. This time I don't feel like I have to push myself to make money, but I do have to put in more effort to go hit the gym and start prepping meals to get that sexy body I admire and would like to have. It will just give me a lot more confidence about my physique. I think I want all of this to be part of the package just for gaining a lot of personal confidence and feeling good with myself. After all, I'm totally fine being completely unknown to the world while having a really nice body and being financially independent.

It's probably going to look weird for me regardless to others because I'm short, but it's something I will have to learn to use to my advantage. I'm going to always look to try to take advantage of my short height still.