Monday, August 5, 2019

Knowing What's The Deal

Besides feeling tired and not doing anything while settling from giving up on progressing, I don't really have that in me. There's a lot of little things that I notice all the time and it bugs me to mess up, even if my friends don't worry about it. I guess I'm actually a perfectionist then and want to chill from being naturally graceful at everything and not stressing about it. To get there, it would have to be second nature but I'm completely messing up a lot and looking back to regret what I did and how I could have fixed it.

Since I'm writing about it now, I could take this time to reflect where I think I went wrong and move on from it. It's a new day and I can try being the way I intend to be today. I realize that humans only need to work out 30 minutes daily and up to 2.5 hours a week to get the full benefits of exercise. There's a couple ladies I'm good friends with who work out regularly. They are still weaker in general from having a feminine figure and smaller muscle content than me, but at least they look mighty fine!

I have been running every Saturday for 5.5 miles and even after having a decent meal, it always tones me down two to three pounds. I can complete it in about less than 44 minutes, so about a 8-minute pace and that's not bad at all.  I would like to go to the gym besides just going for a run once a week, and I'm starting to feel that it's fun to work out.

It's starting to feel really good with my efforts to not go south and freak out others when I'm mad at them. I'm sticking to just arguing my exact points by using that proof by contradiction method. It's really helpful by the way, and I'm glad I picked it up from majoring in Computer Science. This guy who I think is a loser because he's almost 40 and choosing to study art in school and not get any job to support himself while relying on others, I basically texted him, if he wasn't a loser then he wouldn't do the things I mentioned. He didn't make any attempts to argue about it!