Thursday, August 8, 2019

New To-Do List Method

Besides just writing tasks out with pen and paper now, I'm resorting to a simple To-Do List found on Google Spreadsheet with just a g-mail account. If you don't know how to get there, just go to new, next Google Sheets; click the '>' next to it and then click on From a template and then you will locate it easily.

What I have done which is contradictory is list everything that I want to do and then overwhelm myself with the list. I end up giving up on it, but now I'm thinking of a better method. It is to list it out least as possible. Basically, thinking like an economist it's everything new that goes on there ceteris paribus. I know it doesn't make any sense, so let me explain!

The things that are ingrained on my mind are the ones I have no trouble recalling anytime, even in my dreams.  This makes it easier to leave them out of the To Do List because I know I'm going to neglect working out sometimes. I also know how it bothers me to not brush my teeth twice a day and apply some hair-saving Rogaine twice too and easily neglect it daily. I always get around to doing it once a day on average, so it's better than nothing.

Other things that I neglect and want to do all the time is find time to cook delicious food and top my mom. I could start proceeding again with those annoying growing taller stretches for my short frame and this growth spray that might just be a placebo. At least I feel better when I do it!

Basically, there are so many things on my mind that I have been neglecting for awhile. I know I want to do these things and have a really hard time getting around to doing but when the timing is right, I'm going to jump on it. Those are the things I can leave out of my list now and just put in the new ones and try to get the new ones done. Also, I should put in place the ones I agreed to do with someone else and stop being a push over about it unless it really is going to be impossible to do.

What's also funny is that when I'm planning to be tired and get ready to sleep after 8:00 pm by taking a shower before hand and taking care of my hygiene, I'm not really so tired anymore. Maybe I should use this contradictory thing to my advantage and get more done as much as I can do when I'm feeling so distracted with wanting to relax to cool anime episodes or curious about a female celebrity's body measurements.