Monday, August 19, 2019

Current Update

I managed to get on board with a real-life, software development project. It's something I'm doing on the side, and I share the same vision with the founder of the app that's being worked on. She wants to make it free for anyone interested and to help out a community because she sees a use for it. I ended up going to one of those meetups and found that I had a lot of fun with it because it is a competitive, team sport for amateurs. I can see the whole fun in getting together and having a contest with other teams in the region and to even take it to a global scope later on. It's cool stuff and along with that, she wants to do affiliate marketing to make some money off of it. This is what I'm also interested in doing with my software engineering, and it would be a nice opportunity for me to work with others. I've picked something that I'm interested in developing because I felt a connection with it.

In contrast, I tried playing Internet Poker today and I feel like it's wasting my time now. It's addictive to keep on winning and let the time pass by, but it doesn't feel fulfilling for me when I'm hitting a short stump. However, I do not feel this way at all when I'm having a hard time with trading. I still think it's fun coming up with a profitable strategy that I could apply for the long term and keep all to myself.

My daily activity during the weekday is mostly going to be listening to the Bible while driving, working on my trading skills, studying everything related to software development, answering a requested question on a knowledge database and/or blogging on here whenever I get the chance to stay on top of it, trying to work out regularly, attending meetups I'm professionally interested in, getting proper hygiene in, finishing up my Extra To Do List, trying to cook a delicious and healthy recipe, and having some fun working with a gaming device.

Basically, the bulk of my time should really make up studying things related to software development, learning to trade systematically really well, and maintaining my health. The weekends are pretty much my time to relax and to also keep up with what I'm desiring at the moment.

This week I'm joining friends to watch a movie on a weekday, and I guess I will have to pass next time since I have decided to take up an actual group project. I'm really going to push myself with sticking with software engineering because it is challenging to get myself started and pretty stressful. Looking back though, I don't regret putting the work into it though and just want to keep on going and trying to make a really nice living off of it.