Tuesday, August 13, 2019

New Adjustments

I'm finding myself having trouble taking a shower before going to bed. I'm not totally dirty after work or anything, but I would love to get one in to keep the sheets nice and clean for long as possible! It's pretty interesting in that I'm also capable of thinking like a low-maintenance type woman, but still it's something. I think I can just relate better while not being in the mood most of the time with wearing my heart on my sleeve. I'm just more in tune with my emotions and thought-process that it's receiving more attention than anything else sometimes. It's nice to do funny and cool things because I can reflect on those for a long time while enjoying myself.

Still, I'm getting better with paying attention these days. I guess because I'm so used to doing things I find to be funny and cool that it's easy to zone out to like paying attention to the Bible over something that feels like ancient history! I'm back on the Old Testament again and it's pretty much listening to history on repeat with a people and culture I have no affiliation with, but trying to spend some time with it because of my faith in Jesus. Maybe, it's actually understandable with what I'm dealing with but I want to find no excuses with not paying attention to God's Word whenever I'm listening to it!