Thursday, August 29, 2019

Finding the Correct Path

In life, a lot of different angles arise and there's a path to take and even one of my closest, idiotic friends does the same thing. Choosing the best one is pretty much the correct path, and how does one go about it if he or she isn't sure? There are emotional, mental, and physical factors in the natural playing field. All of them need to line up to work. It's probably going to be easiest to start with considering your passions.

I made a terrible mistake in the past by just trying to roll along with the punches just for the money. In this case, it should be resorted for true idiots like my friend I mentioned. He doesn't get it that he won't get it and keeps on thinking while doing dumb things that will add on to his list of reasons to stay depressed. I have made fun of him plenty and he always puts up a wall and then goes scrambling for looking at the bright side of things. If he just has a consistent paying job while saving and always being really bored, he's set. He has the capacity to go this far in life!

I don't think people have shown him enough things to do and he's just going to take credit for it himself if shown the ropes, so I'm telling this idiot to do it on his own and he sure is doing that while not being that successful. At least he has a set goal in mind, even though he might not reach it ever. As long as his goals become more realistic and in his league then he'll be doing better, but far as I know, he set the bar way too high and can't fulfill them even with all his might. This leads to his depression and social anxiety being around lucky people.

I'm concluding to not think like this idiot, but to figure out your true passions. I don't think he realizes that he has a main God-given talent that isn't being really appreciated enough. He doesn't mention it, so he's struggling there. It's tough to be in that situation, so I would settle for developing skills that you feel passionate about and will be financially rewarding. Trying to just follow the trend with only making some money is just too dumb like playing the lottery, unless the player doesn't care about losing and finds it really fun to play a little. Losing isn't fun at all, but if it's always disregarded then yeah it's a passion if you feel good from the positive results; otherwise, it's a weird obsession! There are some passions a person should learn to avoid like gambling, over-spending, over-eating, laziness, illegal activities, etc.