Thursday, September 5, 2019

Been Keeping Busy

Well, I had a cool weekend with going rafting on a well-known river that can be deadly. Fortunately, the rapids were calm with the location we went to but it's something to not really mess around with either by ensuring safety precautions. We had guides and life vests on which made it a lot easier to stay on top of the river. We all jumped in and moved down stream with the current, which was relaxing while staying afloat. We even had a competitive rafting race and played some water fights with other groups. Overall, it was a really fun experience.

I have been working on an app with a group as well and it's been serious. They have already been making some progress on it, and it's going somewhere. This is my second attempt with building an app, and I feel more confident to take on this role from working as a developer for my current company. The first time didn't take off because a buddy wanted to take the lead and with his idea, he wanted 66% of the share while splitting the rest among us two. Also, he wasn't very capable and frustrating to try to work with. I gave up on it but we're still friends though.

I guess it's important to surround yourself with the right people by going out of your way to find the right venues and taking the initiative to put yourself forward. A lot of this has been possible from also developing somewhat of my communication skills by writing clearly on here and organizing my thoughts carefully. It's also been a dream to let all of this naturally flow effortlessly.