Friday, September 6, 2019

Putting Focus On Objectives

Last night, I was just really tired from sleeping only two hours the day before and knocked out by around 7 pm. I could really use some better time management. Nowadays, I'm really motivated to go out and find myself a hot girl to marry and then keep on doing it while we both still like it for long as possible. I ended up watching some perverted videos of models showing off their attractive body parts unclothed again and this time I was like, I want to find someone like that who is attracted to me like crazy. I feel this confidence to go out and build even more personal confidence.

It's like there's a purpose in life, and I would like to set some time aside each day for the Lord even though I'm neglecting it in those periods. The only time I'm able to try is while driving because my head is trying to listen to Scriptures while my mind is happily fixated on something else that feels really good. I'm a believer and what's nice is that I can google for all the verses that I can recall hearing if it just caught my attention for another time.

We are living in a fast-paced, self-serving world at our own convenience, thanks to this Digital Age that I can so conveniently take advantage of for myself. I feel lucky to really enjoy it and go for making a living out of it also, on top of keeping up with my passive income strategies.