Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Interesting Way To Stay Awake

Normally, I would just fall asleep while trying to do something and end up like on the couch or my desk after I regain consciousness. I found a way to prolong my hours of being awake! It's the odd method of just taking a shower. It's worked for me so far but I have yet to see if I will still fall asleep earlier after my body gains tolerance from taking a late evening shower. It's really that simple for me in that I just need to take a shower and if I really want to be up, I can add in some strong coffee while at it!

I'm going to adopt taking showers then and continuing to work on building more personal confidence. I'm just going to be weird by showing off about something that probably doesn't make any sense but would be funny regardless. I'm pretty much Anonymous Inc. here so I will liberate myself. I think because of this blog and how I was conducting myself from mainly not being sure of what I was conveying and a few people interpreting me to be crazy when it was really them who went loony, I was seeing a lot of cops regularly down my streets for awhile. It was like everyday wherever I went outside, I would notice a cop car.

This doesn't happen to me anymore, so my weird conclusion that I feel so joyful about is that the cops gave up on me. Good riddance! I believe that the person to blame is probably one of those who turned crazy with me and has connections with dispatching police officers. I mean my phone is easy to track and I never do anything naughty enough on there; otherwise, I would download cracks to hide myself and still be risking it. I think the person who did this to me is a girl who probably slept with someone after hopefully marrying and that guy helping her fell in love with her or something.

A really weird situation that I will share from my perception of not being aware of stuff is that I visited that old crazy crowd's hangout spot when they weren't around. There were so many cop cars driving around that street and like all lined up one after another! I think they have to act like they don't know me and probably most of them don't and then go following around the lead car like a drone because they were ordered to.