Friday, September 20, 2019

Interesting Observations

Out of all the bloggers being hosted and who classify themselves with a Computer Science occupation, I don't think there's too many people who even have an incentive to do what I've done all these years consistently. It feels pretty good in a way, like I have my own place to write confidently and even give myself a little push to get started on something good.

In a way, I feel like I'm getting my own silent acknowledgement by seeing that reads tally up. I'm accustomed to seeing like ten reads on average per post. Some of my posts have a lot more from being a lot funnier than normal or even have material that might cater to some picky readers, but I'm overall just a pretty smart dude who feels like writing sometimes about anything on his mind.

The reason why I gave myself the author name #1 on Computer Science Occupations is because it would be funny for someone to look at the link above to check out other inactive bloggers and see me on the first spot. I check it out daily and hopefully there will be a funny girl coming around to share her thoughts, so I can be like "Yes!" There was a depressed girl who expressed herself with suicidal intent, and I used to be the only one to comment on there. She stopped responding to me because I think I never asked for her response in the first place. I was just like an audience member who always left a brief review. She was talking about relationships and breakups and things just going south for her. She's on hiatus now and hopefully she's still alive and giving herself the right therapy.

It's interesting in a sense that if you click on a profile and go up to a more common category like Science then I'll be listed more towards the middle. I don't think the ranking system has that much preference with who gets the top spot. It's probably more based on the latest post from any user because I might still not get enough visitors to be attractive to the ranker, or it's just designed to be like that.

Still I see myself as the unofficially recognized #1 blog poster on my subcategory of Computer Science. I'm really talking more about life itself and just trying to boast about being so interested in software engineering which is a cool field of CS.