Friday, September 13, 2019

Seeing Some Improved Performances

I have decided to lay off of playing Poker regularly, due to the risky nature of up and down swings and how I just don't want to spend a lot of time to make some money unless it's my passion. I have found out that developing or software engineering or whatever someone wants to call it is really one of my passions. For a hobby though, maybe playing Poker while gambling chump change when I'm standing in a long line will be alright. I will just have to resist the urges of going back to playing it regularly if I have some really good successful runs. This is really deceiving in its entirety, so I will accept that win or lose, it's only for fun now because it isn't a passion.

With trading some currency, my method has started to take a noticeable turn to profiting now. I'm still making some improvements, but now I have some tools that might actually work. If this goes so well, then I'm hogging all of the hard work I put in for just myself. I'll let people know about it, but not spill any beans and if they want to work with me, then they are going to have to put in all of those tears and sweat like I did and turn good so there will be some great minds working together. I'm not going to train any person either, so that will be the challenge for him or her. If it doesn't go our way, then was just never meant to be. I might just stay quiet about it and share with good friends but not assist them with learning either because I'm looking for a brilliant mind to also work with. Besides, I won't be the one whose hurting if I'm doing so well.

Just stick to the passion and don't be greedy for money with something you don't feel comfortable about and want to entrust someone else to do the hard work for you. It isn't really an ethical model to be honest, even though I'm sure some people have tried to establish it. I've experienced doing something like this and it was very stressful being the business owner; yet, I couldn't do enough so it failed in the end. I'm not going to hustle my way and do this to people who don't know about the serious downside that could result from going into this business. No matter how good my self-made products are, I choose to work with only ethical business people who already make a nice living from being very familiar to my line of work.