Monday, September 9, 2019

Taking Professional Poker Less Seriously

I have this urge to play poker for money because it's so fun and addictive to win. However, the game involves some serious risk and opponents getting lucky on you. Everybody wants to always win and make a living off of it, once they get hooked on this game. I have started with a bankroll of only $50 and doubled it to end up going back down to like $10 total profit. I'm still in the green but these swings majorly suck! I want to make it get to $250. A friend told me that it will take me like three years to get there because my net profit wage is laughably only like $1 per hour.

I've been playing poker on long waiting lines where you have to grind out the time. This is common for me because I enjoy going to amusement attractions and most likely, I'm standing in line the majority of the period. I'm not somebody getting special treatment, so I feel like it's the money that talks so the more I have invested on that people attraction, the more VIP treatment I would get. It might make sense to purchase a season fast pass since I'm an enthusiast for thrill capitals of the world, but I don't have a friend who is into it and want to afford it yet. Maybe when I get a girlfriend and hopefully, she enjoys them too then I can purchase one for her also and go often as we can.

On top of my appearance with being so short and alpha male like, I think it's just so funny to consider it like that. I think personal confidence really is the key and it's rooted on me going after my personal desires like finding a really sweet hottie who is really attracted to me. I used to feel baffled from being addicted while a high school senior to watching some perverted films about ladies exposing their attractive body parts. Now I feel this confidence to go out and find someone who looks like that but is just a way better person for me to have a fun life with. A good note is that in the heart of LA, I'm taking notice of good-looking ladies walking past me. It's interesting how some are sensitive to looking at them, and they noticeably turn their heads to avoid eye contact. I have self-control so I'm not going to chase based off of looks and look for the convenience of Ms. Right being somewhere I just go to naturally and commonly.