Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Understanding Objectives With Happiness In Mind

I wake up really early regularly like around 4:30 am on weekdays. It usually leaves me feeling sleepy by the time 8 or 9 pm hits. I get ready to do things at home by around 7 pm so I'm feeling shorthanded often! I'm trying to do everything at once while staying relaxed and having fun with my personal time. I'm starting to understand this whole value of working hard, and my purpose right now which is gaining a lot of personal confidence so I can end up marrying a sexy lady who is very attracted to me.

It's really just the matter of going about doing it even though it feels like a hassle. There's really nothing to it but other interests do feel bigger during that part of the day so it's always easier to give into those things. From not having experienced it yet, I'm still feeling excited about doing that real thing with a hot lady once I get married to her.

Mapping out the things I want to work on for building confidence, it's really about making money on my own and working out. To give honor to my belief in having a relationship with Jesus, I try to tune into Scriptures while driving. It's going to be like my sixth time listening to the same complete Bible audio files, and I'm making an effort so far only like 25% of the time. The last thing I really want to do is cook.

Mapping out my life, it's probably going to be hard to follow for a few people, but it's making a lot of sense for me. The reasons for why I want to do a lot of these things is mainly to build my personal confidence and end up with a hot wife who enjoys doing it a lot! My life is centered around trying to honor God from listening to the Bible whenever I appropriately can. So far, because I spend a significant amount of time commuting by myself through traffic to go to work and visit friends who are half an hour away, this is the only time I can seriously try to pay attention to listening to Scriptures on my car stereo. At the same time during those moments, I have a habit of reflecting on positive things or some worries as well, so I can easily not be tuned in to the Bible, even though I try to snap myself out of it. I'm just rolling with acceptance that via repetition I will be able to recall decently interesting parts of the whole Bible whenever I desire to.