Monday, September 23, 2019

Finding the Right Life Partner

It's starting to make a lot of sense, and it just comes from asking out a person you are really interested in. I'm just going to be honest about my dating life. There is a smoking attractive lady who I get along really well with and she clearly likes me and I'm cool with it. Back then, she wasn't single though so it didn't cross my mind to try to ask her out even though I developed a crush on her. It then numbed itself out over the months and years I hung out with her and we're just good friends. When she broke up, I didn't know about it and she scandalously announced we were going out on a date on my birthday. I was like, you got to be joking underneath but that's how life is. She's getting married to another and I honestly don't mind to be honest while always getting a nice laugh out of it privately. She's still an awesome person and friend and I think our relationship transcends beyond a sexual relationship, but I doubt we're soul mates. 

I think the biggest mistake with finding the right partner for a guy being attracted to a single lady is not asking her out. Holding back isn't right and also it's important to respect her personal decision even if it's doomed. It's better to get it out of the way and move on. I guess if this feeling of uneasiness is happening then maybe she isn't going to be the right person or there's something you need to work on with yourself.

My mistake is that with that old crowd, they were pretty stupid and crazy about stuff that didn't pertain to them and blamed me for it without a good cause. They just let their angry emotions get the best of them and failed to get their point across. I'm still going strong, but I have better things to work on so I'm happy to push it away or procrastinate on dealing with it now. It dealt with some ladies who I was attracted to but I couldn't ask them out. One of them was open to it and I was dumb to realize it from being in a bad mood with her having yelled at me just one time! Man, I was so childish about it and it's my mistake and maybe we could have something much more beautiful if we worked on it. It's just what could have happened from speculating and it's better to think positively so when the next opportunity comes along, you won't miss it and put in more effort to get the coveted devotion of a sexy lady!

So I'm basically saying it's wrong for an available and confident guy to like a single lady and not ask her out for a relationship. On contrast, there's this single girl I'm close friends with and is almost like family to me and who has a sexy feature on her that gets me all the time. It's just that I find her to be too weird and how I can settle for just being good friends. It's not that hard and can be a lot of fun. I have messed around with her by trying to flirt with her and it added much more frustrations that we ended up moving on from. The next step is to be diligent about making myself this confident and available guy.