Monday, September 16, 2019

Summarizing What I Want To Do In Life

Keep on listening to the Bible and be able to recall the little details about it. Make a lot of money from software engineering and investing while gaining lots of free time on my hands. Get a really nice body from working out eventually. Do some gourmet and healthy cooking. Not tire out that easily. Keep on meeting good people to spend some time with. Marry a hot lady who wants to do it a lot! 

This is all hard work and I find all of it to be interesting and fun to pursue after. I need to just push myself back into this direction when I'm distracted by the little things. I should be doing okay in the end though, as long as I mean it and these are turning out to be my passions. I'm also having a lot of fun with playing the piano and trying to sing a few tunes I'm into. I am really trying to live a balanced life these days.