Thursday, September 5, 2019

Playing For Ideal Gains

Playing and working are exchangeable words for this idea that I'm brainstorming. The objective is about imagining what you are looking for in the moment and then working hard to get there. It's like playing the game of life! It's to pretty much take little breaks often as needed and then get back to focusing again. What's not so cool is being addicted to other distractions that you completely forget about what you had in mind and lose some valuable time.

I think to solve this issue, it just takes enough discipline. It's nice though to look up on entertaining and trivial things to pass the time sometimes. It's really part of experiencing the typical human life when one is able to relax. It's just that there needs to be a point where you stomp your foot on the ground and say that's enough and get back to work.

I have this ideal scenario in mind where I get married to a hot lady and then do it a lot! It's going to be a blast when it happens, until maybe she no longer appears that hot to me. Balancing around a family life, it would be so cool if I could benefit off of the passive income endeavors that I'm moving towards. On top of that, I still need to focus and move on as necessary with the wasted efforts I put myself through.

One of the things I feel grateful for overall is that I don't have to worry about mental health issues constantly with myself. I have done well enough to get what I desired for nothing from that crazy group in the last decade. It's rough to notice in my mentally ill friend that she loses her train of thought and goes into psychosis which leaves her drained afterwards and makes her forget her goal to exercise to take off some of her added pounds.