Monday, September 23, 2019

Pushing Forward

Well, I guess since today is a Monday and last night was pretty much having a lot of fun staying up to play video games with friends, today I feel a little hung over with having to work. Yet, I feel like refocusing my efforts and taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity to grow in my knowledge and experience with being a professional software engineer and developer.

I would really like to have a blast making a lot of money and also doing the same while relaxing with a hot body and enjoying being married to a hot lady who is well-attracted to me and wants to do it a lot. Yes, it would be an awesome life!

It's pretty much going to take hard work and self-control, but I find that personally seeking after the Lord by trying to listen and understand the Bible daily is part of that necessity. It isn't easy sometimes, but now I'm just tuning into it by default and accepting that even when I'm in that state of zoning out and imagining different things and unable to hear the Lord's wisdom, I still want to very much obtain it even if I can't listen to it then. I'm just going to have to put in more effort then.

I'm not going for becoming a preacher or teacher of some sort. I just want to know enough so I can be confident with what I need to do to live for Christ based on his teachings and also to have good reference to how I should conduct myself from countlessly listening to the whole Old Testament. Jesus does sum it up to love the Lord with all your mind, heart, and soul and then to secondly love others as yourself. (Matthew 22:37-40) Jesus will recognize his sheep by those who listen to him, and this happens from studying the Bible. (John 10:27) Matthew 4:4 says that man shall not live by bread alone but from every word that comes from God.

What's so nice about these Bible verses is that I don't even know where they are at but it's nice to have Google search bring it up so quickly for me. I don't think it's really necessary anymore to know exact verse numbers but to just recall the Bible content. It's really helpful for me in that I'm just listening to the Bible instead of reading it and it just makes it more convenient to be around God's Word while I'm driving through traffic each morning and late afternoon.