Friday, August 9, 2019

24 Hours Of Using New To-Do List Method

It works pretty well and that I must add! I gave it a new nickname, Extras. I already completed out some tasks and added in another. It's pretty cool in that I can prioritize by rearranging the rows all I want to. If I don't need a row anymore, I can just hit the clear button on my mobile phone and then move it to a blank row which will then move all the filled rows up by one. I downloaded a free app called Google Sheets which is nice and works without any connection as well. I'm sure then it will update itself on Google Drive once it's able to reconnect.

It's pretty convenient overall and something you could just organize on the go. My life feels a lot less cluttered from putting in only the extras that's going on my life and leaving out all of that mess I keep on remembering and fumbling over. It turns out to be something that works out well and what I would recommend to others who are in my situation.