Monday, June 22, 2020

Basic Happy Routine

Well, I'm looking to change around a lot of different things, but first I need to make the dough. I feel like I'm in the right direction now that I have decided to commit myself to investing in stocks, along with trading currency and playing online Poker. Poker is going to take me a while longer to start playing for real, but my currency trading has paid its dues and I'm ready for it. The thing about it is that all of this is something I enjoy doing as well. 

I see my objective being about learning something new to have fun in the end. I do have some unfinished graduate-level coursework to still finish. I can go about focusing on them whenever I get the chance. It's just a matter of commitment and the best way to leave it there for me is to maintain a positive attitude about it. I associate positivity with being fun and having fun is what I love to do! I just need to push myself enough while keeping it sensible and staying dedicated. I think that's all there really is to it now.

I'm going to try this whole living through entertainment with games, YouTube videos, anime, and other things by making it the last thing or when I burn out. I still want to do more with my daily life, so I will do the best I can to carry out those personal errands. It's starting to make sense with how writing this is something I could look back on as well and be in a different state of mind after letting what I currently have pass. 

At work, I'm pretty much good to begin my business everyday after answering a question on Quora, writing a couple posts on here, and looking at my trades. Sometimes, I'll let my mind wander off a little but it's really all about getting myself back to focus and doing a good job. I think I will also be looking at some emails and meetups I can attend in the future later once this Covid-19 pandemic passes.