Sunday, June 28, 2020

Minor Issues to Work On

Yesterday, I felt a little annoyed with myself while driving and going to a drive-thru car wash. I made a couple turns too early and had to do an unwanted U-turn each time. It wasn't the worst thing since I lost only a couple minutes, but I felt a little irritated from wanting to be more efficient. I also ended up forgetting that Father's Day was coming up, so by the time this post rolls around it's going to be way past the date. 

The way I see myself going about it to make myself feel better is praying about it to the Lord and asking that I would become better while letting it be used for serving in His kingdom. It was just a simple prayer and most likely, I will be forgetting about it soon. What was interesting to watch a little while ago is this anime about a dedicated RPG gamer and how he created some NPCs with his friends and then before the game server was about to shut down, he finds himself teleported to an alternate dimension where the game became the real world. His NPCs become alive too and think he is a god for creating them and want to serve him with their whole-hearts devotionally and feel so happy from thinking he didn't abandon them like the rest of his friends did. I just wonder if there's some form of similarity with the God of this real world I believe in! 

The plus side is how I feel more relieved and aware of the things that tick me off and how I'm able to deal with them by just labeling in my head the people who make me feel that way at any time to be crazy! It doesn't affect my relationship-driven approach with them because it's just naturally who I am as a person. I like to be nice and carry a good relationship with just about anyone, no matter how bad they are. If I sense they are evil, dangerous, or a little too kooky, I'm  keeping my distance while being open to things turning out better for the both of us.