Saturday, June 13, 2020

Being Self-motivated

It's quite funny in a sense with how I'm being entertained by reading my own writing now. I don't recall everything I write, but even if I did I would call it a curse then because I occasionally have a few posts that don't connect very well with people. I think most of the time it seems like I might be giving off this whole high and mighty act while feeling good about it from being so confident. It doesn't take away the attention of people for some reason and neither does it really get someone to simply click the like button for me. I'm not really asking for it in the first place.

This is how I'm perceiving my own writing. It's pretty good in a sense that I like to get carried away with what I put in the past and read them over again a lot. It feels good to read mainly positive and highly energized posts from myself. It's probably what is causing this good effect of keeping me committed to writing decent posts. 

Yet now, I'm pretty much ready to invest my money now to focus on it as a side business in hopes of becoming wealthy. I am grateful for this opportunity I have as a software engineer and even though I'm not getting the paid the amount I like, it's still comfortable enough to feel like I could take myself to the next level with it. Overall, I believe it's also a fair exchange with what I'm receiving for my own services. I'm just plain lucky to have got here so far.

The thing that I would like to routinely work on after doing my side business is work out and cook. For my personal free time, I can enjoy watching a few anime episodes and play games on my Switch. I'm pretty happy with what I have going and think I have to take care of it.