Thursday, June 11, 2020

Where Height Matters

I think physical height comes into play for like modeling, acting, professional sports, and sometimes dating. Yet the most successful types are only limited to significantly less than 1% so you could say they have been born into like royalty. Other than that, height is just a number and if used well for putting on a show, then more power to you!

I accept myself with being short now and realize that I'm still quite a decent looking guy. I can rather focus on my inward confidence while working hard to gain wealth and working out to have a sexy body, while also being a nice person to be friends with and ask out single ladies who I'm attracted to while hoping it will lead to a happy marriage. 

Like a numbers game, it eventually is going to land as long as you continue to have your head properly in it. I don't really mind rejection from people anymore and won't hinder me from working any harder or less than I want to. Other than for the people who think height matters, for everyone else, it really doesn't. The most important thing is that it isn't with how everyone feels about your height if you aren't happy with it and should be rooted in maintaining a healthy mental state.