Monday, June 15, 2020

Oh, What to Do?

Backtracking from yesterday, I went to bed without taking a shower but I wasn't sweaty or anything. I realized that I was half-asleep while playing on my laptop and just dozing off and forcing myself to wake back up again. I forgot that if I really wanted to stay awake then I could have made myself some coffee or tea.

I ended up playing a few hours of Animal Crossing and then found myself dozing off to online Poker and working on managing my currency trades. I'm pretty much ready now to start playing for real money in currency and investing in long-term stocks. I think I will start out with contributing about $5000 on stocks per year total and keep it at only $1000 on currency because of its high risk and volatile nature. This sounds like a pretty good newbie amount for me. 

I would still like to put in the time to cook and work out, while fussing a little over my personal hygiene and giving myself a better appearance just for fun. It's really about putting the heart in the right place now. There's no need to look down upon others. Besides, I'm already a shorty! Not that I really care anymore. Thinking about it, it may matter to some but there might be others who don't really mind if you are short to them. It's just about working on the personality, intelligence, and being successful. It should be good enough then with finding a beautiful lady to enjoy a nice life with. Hard work isn't limited to just a few people. It can be accessible to anybody!