Thursday, June 18, 2020

Creating Better Habits

It looks like I want to be more professional and accepting of how things are going. With current times as I'm writing this post, I know it's going to be a little late by the time this post comes around. There's been some looting and protesting going on with the whole Black Lives Matter incident. A black man died from not being able to breath while a cop was detaining him on the ground and a video has gone viral. The cop has lost his job, but he hasn't been prosecuted yet which was what the protesting crowd is calling for. 

Thinking about it, it's time that I started putting in some money on my currency trades and also doing some investing with my preferences having been set. I'm pretty excited about where this could all lead to. I'm probably going to cap it at $5000 per year at the moment, until I can get better results. I don't really mind losing but that's not what I'm going into this business for. I'm trying to turn myself into a millionaire! 

I guess I could do that and then work on some cooking. It would be nice I suppose. I don't think my looks really matter that much after doing the best I could with it! It's about maintaining confidence and meeting the right one or working it out with someone I like who is nice enough to let me. Rejections are a thing that happens and it's not really playing into any negativity for me now.