Friday, June 5, 2020

Just Going for It

I think it just comes down to having fun and doing a good job. I may be a real shorty but I guess if I can keep up a decent conversation with the ladies then maybe one of them will think I'm unique enough to just give a chance despite their reservations about me being shorter than them or just not quite up to standards genetically. Maybe I could just work out more and develop some more muscles and appear to more athletic while taking care of my skin better and just portray this contagious positivity. That's pretty much the way to go and it's a number's game, so taking rejection is going to be part of life and fortunately, I'm able to laugh about it without going crazy now.

I think I just need to get really comfortable and mainly since my parents are traditionally ethnocentric, it really concerns me still to this day with how I haven't really found myself totally attracted to a Korean girl and just ask her out. Well, I was to someone and I was just too shy to ask her out back then. Maybe, it happened a couple times and I just couldn't go for it because I was dealing with a weird inferiority complex. I think it's just from trying hard and while stirred from my emotions that I got somewhere for the longest time. 

I have yet to try again and find someone more to my liking. It really seems like I'm physically attracted more to certain type of ladies but when I come to think of it, it might not really matter in the end as long as I have grown somewhere to love her for who she is.