Monday, June 29, 2020

Motivation for Blogging Here

I feel like this is my open journal I'm sharing the world with. It's also convenient to have something that I can make a feeble attempt at connecting with a reader out there. Sure, I'm Asian and that's about it unless you know my real name. I'm pretty lucky in a sense that from having been mad for awhile, I didn't write anything horrible enough to get in big trouble with the law. The worst I came close to happened outside of this blog from coming across crazy people I'm responsible for annoying in my own innocent way. I didn't do anything too bad to warrant getting in trouble like that. I think they were just going through something more deeper inside of them and didn't really have anything to relate with me, so they ended up getting crazy because they were really upset about something and couldn't accept it at the time. 

The keyword is once again with them just being crazy, and it just ties together the foundation of my education in dealing with people! It's quite interesting in that I'm not really going to benefit anything monetarily off of this. I also feel that there really isn't much positive reinforcement for blogging on this unknown site and how there's better establishments out there, if you wish to acquire different things. The reason why this site works for me is that I can be comfortable with visitors going through it and not even worried about attracting popularity. 

In a sense and to my core belief, I only need to make a difference to one soul at a time to feel satisfied somehow! I'm pretty much the most active for my occupation title of only about 890 at most right now. I could very well be one of the most active on this site as a whole from being able to post one time a day. I guess I'm pretty unique in a sense from enjoying doing this and also being self-motivated.