Thursday, June 4, 2020

Living a Good Life

I think worshiping God plays a big role for a happy life and it's not because I consider myself to be a Christian. I don't know if I can justify that statement at all, but it was worth a try. I believe personally a large part of having a great life is to be able to have really genuine and hearty laughs every once in a while. Being so cheery and easy to amuse like we were while growing up are like the best times, aren't they? 

Nowadays, there's stress going around with people being so selfish while the person at the top may or may not be having a really good time. There's really no guarantees and even the spouse can let you down sometimes. Even the lady friends I have might but I'm willing to put a blind eye on their flaws. It's amazing that I have more lady friends who keep closely in contact with me than guy friends now! I started super shy with approaching women too and would get so nervous about the topic of hitting on them. I still do and not going to lie but it's been on this manly streak lately where I can imagine myself being with someone who might be less physically attractive than someone else. Who am I kidding, it really doesn't matter to me after all? I just need to find that closure of falling in love and then it's lights out after pairing with the right person. 

I currently have two to seriously consider and another lady who is very aggressive but patient with contacting me. I just don't know how to reply to her because I feel a little uncomfortable. She goes let's hang out and then she tries to put the moves on me so quickly. Man, it's been past ten years now and she still hasn't forgotten me. 

I sort of understand now how some attractive girls I'm friends with on Facebook don't bother to message me back. It's probably common courtesy to not to because they don't want to cause a ruckus with me or something while being so sensitive. It's also that maybe I came on a little too strong or something weird just overtook their thoughts in motion and they just went "Okay" while replying back with nothing. This is how I see it, so it would be that I have to check if there's any attraction by speaking to them in person like initiating contact and having a fun conversation. Maybe they'll be interested back with me showing some interest, who knows or maybe they will reject me or just don't want to while seeing someone else and they like me at the same time. It's life and there's many good reasons to consider besides just feeling down and selfish for not getting something your way. I think it's mainly reserved for the ones who are crazy mentally or hide it underneath their skin.