Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Working Through Adversity

I honestly think I was naturally born for dealing with a great amount of mental adversity. I did get lucky enough to find myself out of great distress a long time ago while going through puberty! It was totally nuts while dealing with my obsession for playing video games and enjoying some perverted actions secretly while staying a true gentleman to all the ladies out there. I even read a book on "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" and was labeled as trash by the book store owner when I tried re-selling it to him.

Regardless of whatever outcome is happening, the mind should be positive about all of it and persevere with great effort to get somewhere you want to go in life. Yesterday, I realized that I was watching a highly entertaining anime series and couldn't drop it to do my grown-up activities last night. I did manage to take a shower again before going to sleep and that was only from having a revelation that it felt good and how I could just douse myself with water in the shower when I wake up to save some time while rinsing.

I would like to be able to drop a naturally fun thing for me and work on a difficult and less appealing task that I deem to be worthy of my attention! The trick is to just stay confident and positive about all of it and to keep on persevering. It's going to be never-ending so why set up a crash date? My parents were crazy to emulate because they had this type of model while I was growing up. I was confused from being spoiled with wanting nothing but the best and how they struggled from not being financially successful and unwilling to teach me a method that I would be happy with. This struggle in dealing with crazy parents and people all my life made things take longer for me, but I hold no grudges because I can't stay mad at any of them. 

Regardless of me aging, it's still the same belief system I am adopting in staying confident and positive while persevering to get anywhere I want to go and from realizing that staying glued to watching those fun episodes might have not been the best thing for me. I want to be able to break it off after having fun momentarily and get back to work. It's about managing stress and boredom and all these personal weaknesses of mine without going crazy, so being positive and confident about all of it while persevering is the way to go!