Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Adjusting Personal Schedule for Improvement

I think it's just a matter of being aware with what's going on in my mind and just making the courageous decision to do something. It's basically making the trade-off of putting in the hard work for the longer term investment which might not even be foreseeable at the moment and less enjoyable than the temporary rush that I'm getting from lounging around while streaming videos!

It's really my goal and what I want to do anyway, so I can enjoy having even more fun during later days. I guess this makes things still positive for myself because I'm still working on it. It's crazy, but I don't really need a life coach nor have to be dependent on someone anymore for accountability. I technically have this blog to practice being appropriate, and it's doing wonders from just typing all this down! 

This really is a unique blog in that I'm not looking for any feedback from anybody nor receiving a lot of positive encouragement. The inner happiness and confidence starts from within the individual, and it's something I managed to finally gain. I think it's rewarding in a sense to see numbers go up, which would indicate interest from a reader or even computer that's trying to sniff around my feeds!  I'm not the one that's contributing to it, so in a sense I find it unique and actually encouraged by even a small amount looking at this site. It's well-above what I expect all the time and that's seeing the number 0, so that's how I'm keeping this cheery tone when I'm remembering to.