Monday, November 2, 2020

Going for Optimal Lifestyle

After trying to get into playing Poker for cash recreationally, I have decided that it's not for me. I ended up cashing out with just a few dollars over in profit, so practically broke even while walking away. What did it for me is seeing my opponent catching quad Queens on the river against my pocket A's when we both went all-in preflop. I ended up also losing against AQ with AK while I had the best hand and bet big with my opponent playing fishy to catch a lucky card. 

It's not that there's anything wrong with losing from bad luck, and I don't seem to mind but it's just that I can't control the ideal amount I want to wager during those situations much as I would like. Because of this factor that I can't influence no matter what I do despite having the better odds, things can still turn against me because I bet too much at the wrong time. 

It's from this fact alone and how I feel weary from losing, compared to how I'm indifferent when my stocks are doing bad, I definitely identify more with being a less hands-on type of investor. Therefore, I'm going to walk away from playing Poker for serious cash and just play this app with play chips whenever I'm craving it while maybe waiting in a long line. I can also build up some more confidence to play some real Poker again at a later date. 

The smarter thing for me appears to be learning to become a better programmer and developing apps to sell on the market while using them as a point of reference for my portfolio to share with other employers whenever I get interested in moving around the industry. I think I'll try to work on this instead with my phone while I'm waiting in line. 

Along with investing in education a little bit more with programming whenever I can put in the energy, I want to also cook fast and delicious meals along with working out enough. I'm going to have to also control my diet better. 

I think I should invest my time in these things first before I look to enjoy a breather or postpone it to a later day.