Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Spending Free Time Wisely

Currently right after work, if I really did do any good job at all that day, I'm spending my time watching this long and entertaining anime series. I think they've done a marvelous job at it to make it even fun for grown-ups like myself to watch it. It's a mixture of action and comedy while relating it to something you could experience if you were living inside the game, World of Warcraft. 

It's pretty fun and all, but I would still like to work at getting my practical things together first before getting myself glued back onto it. It's sort of like if you snooze, you lose so all that precious time can go away from letting a little thing like having so much fun enjoying a show get in the way. 

Man, I wish I went for being an entrepreneur and was much more confident back then, even though I was a pretty handsome fellow for a short and stocky kid. I don't know what it was but I couldn't manage my video gaming addictions too well and felt so bad about not being able to keep up with doing well in my studies. It's just rooted in my personality, and it's been like this ever since. 

I think I just need to exercise some more positivity and confidence with what I'm doing now and keep at it while I can stay focused on it. It's crazy but it just takes a lot of practice and hard work while staying dedicated to it.