Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Putting Time into It

I don't think there's really much to do except just try to be onto something consistently that you want to be successful at for a meaningful purpose. Currently, I want to get really good at speculating with the Forex market while investing in stocks and building a really nice portfolio so I can retire. 

On the side, I'm also trying to work out while cooking decent meals that don't take too long. For fun, I want to balance out with watching anime and eventually go out on fun dates while looking to settle down with someone. It looks like I have a good opportunity for this right now with a single lady who likes to call me and think of me as her friend and invite me to hang out with just her. I guess it's a form of pre-dating before trying to move forward into courtship. I'm pretty good about keeping to myself and hiding my urges so it's just going to have to be a matter of feeling if there's a genuine romantic connection and then confirming it with her. 

I'm just really glad to feel a lot of confidence underneath me and all these burdensome negative feelings lifted. It's like I can go on to live my life peacefully and touch base with some annoying individuals I still want to be friends with another time.