Thursday, November 19, 2020

Trying to Find Satisfaction With My Downtime

I'm currently not impressed with my annual income and want to enjoy making a lot of money while having free time on my hands. The closest avenue I have got to while being in a satisfied state is involving myself with investing and trading currencies. No matter how hard I have tried, it's not a "Get rich quick" scheme with some of the funds I have saved up for it so far.  

I'm running with the advice of experts when it comes to investing in stocks, while doing my own thing with speculation of foreign exchange (Forex). I'm making decent profit from risking so little with my live Forex trades and have been for a couple months now. I'm trying to increase my accuracy by just a tad while picking up on more patterns that I can notice from checking up on my charts daily. It really doesn't take me that long to narrow it down to the ones I'm interested in trading and occasionally, I won't find any either for the day. 

I believe that in the long run, I'll be staying dedicated to making investments and won't pull out from being discouraged sometimes like I have several times with Poker many times from feeling like it's a nonsensical game. For my rationale, professional Poker won't ever cut it for me but I do have enough skills to compete at it for recreational purposes. I believe the opportunity to make big gains is much larger from sticking to investing conservatively with stocks and also speculating with a smaller amount. This is the direction I'm looking to head and it's probably going to take years before I can start seeing a strong portfolio, but I don't really mind because this is where I want to trade in all my hard earned money now.