Saturday, November 7, 2020

Putting in the Effort to Focus

I think some days are just going to be better than others and regardless of how I let my mind constantly wander off, with the after effect, I'm just not satisfied enough. I have miraculously been able to keep a cheery disposition while maintaining the confidence to attain personal happiness. It's just going to have to come down to hard work and continuing to make myself into a better person. 

I'm just going to have to let go of the stupid past with some ridiculous peers from a weird church. I'm not looking to make it my home church anymore from reflecting on their teachings. It just feels a little too off for me. I now know it wasn't what they thought that digged under my skin, but from how immature and rude they were acting with me. I'm still willing to put up with those losers, but not for that long though. I'm going to have to move on from it now and focus on being around better and fun people. My confidence has sky-rocketed after all! 

I'm actually grateful for the experiences I had now and it's fun while being something to do to keep on making myself into a better person. Oh well, I'm going to have to keep on working out and trying to keep myself from being lazy. The only real sacrifice I'm probably going to have to make is not binge watching anymore.