Tuesday, November 17, 2020

What I've Done Versus What Should Be Done

I think this is a pretty neat exercise to do, and it does seem a bit childish. It feels like something a first grader can be assigned to do. Maybe one of my home classroom teachers tried to force me to think, but at least my sentences are now written longer! I'm going to try this out because writing it out seems to do well with my psyche. I think I'll first try out with making a "Five things I do versus I should do" list to do some compare and contrast for myself:



Investing $1000 per month.

Read up on investment reports and buy stocks.

Running 8.5 miles on tiresome trail every Saturday.

Do more sets of push-ups and sit-ups consistently, followed by growing taller stretches.

Improving at becoming a consistent profitable Forex trader.

Approach 70% accuracy, currently at 60%.

Watching shows.

Start out with cooking delicious meals that have fast prep and cooking times.  

 Maintaining self-confidence. 

Attend programming meet-ups.