Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Letting Minor Things Go

Based upon what I did yesterday, I'm going to have to just let off of watching TV and YouTube clips while just putting in some work to get to where I want to be. It's pretty much how my mind is acting upon giving into it to have a lot of fun. I mean it would be nice, I suppose but I don't really have all the time in the world for it based on my preferences with what I would rather be doing.

It's a good thing for me to have found out that I really like the thought of being a smart investor. It's based on managing my risk by spreading out my portfolio and limiting any unnecessary losses as much as I can. It can't be helped if I end up losing some years, but I'll be looking to continue to improve and manage my expenses in a sensible fashion. This pretty much means that I'm going to have to accept the things I can't control, but be aware of the ones that I can and do my best at it to get to my goals.