Monday, November 16, 2020

You Can't Be Loved By Everyone No Matter How Nice You Are

It's starting to make sense from relating it somewhat to the up and down cycles of the stock market. Yet, the stock market has repeatedly shown itself to be a nice investment over time if one is able to follow sound principles and be patient. You really can't be certain how the market is going to perform at any given day but you do have control over what you can, and the top investors have gone on to do really well for themselves. In a like manner, why not follow suit?

I'm relating to how even if someone ends up judging you in a mean and condemning manner, there's really no control you can have over it. What you can control is how you want to feel about and conduct yourself at any given time, no matter what the circumstances are. You can continue to work on making progress with the art of being happy with yourself, even if others disagree with you. It's naturally your own right. 

Despite not being able to be friends with everybody that I would like to and even sorting out misunderstandings or letting go of any ill feelings towards each other; I still feel really good about myself. I think the most important key is to be stable with yourself first in an emotional state of mind and then go after your personal preferences much as you can while finding balance to make it work out with the environment you are surrounded by. I believe I've found it for myself and the general things might add up in good comparison with other happy people. The details won't be exactly the same with anyone because it's like my own DNA and based on how I lived. It's cool though that I can still empathize with others.