Friday, November 13, 2020

Making Improvements

I think with my savings being held at a certain amount at all times, then with the excess I could maybe splurge a little bit on cooking tasty food and buying kitchen appliances! I sound like a housewife right now, I know. I find there's some wonder and fulfillment with cooking dishes since it takes some time to prepare the final product and then gets devoured right away. 

I should start focusing on saving up more now as much as I can also, so putting in $1000 a month or totalling $12000 annually right now sounds like a good plan for just investing. I'm going to have to try my best to limit my expenses now because I do want to have enough to put down an affordable down payment for a new home. 

On top of this, I want to keep on putting in my workouts and getting better at it too. I'm going to have to lay off of watching entertainment a little more. I really want to limit my spending and make it much more sensible with the purchases that I make because it's time to get really serious. It's really come down to four basic daily tasks for me now- investing, trading currency, working out, and cooking. I also have programming more on the side to do.