Sunday, November 1, 2020

Focusing on Working Hard Consistently

I guess I have a problem with wanting to have fun most of the time, while having mental distractions come at me daily. It's not to the point where I can't block it out when I really have to focus to do my job importantly. I think I thrive on those situations especially when it comes to programming and feeling like a cuss storm is going to well up inside of me. 

Yet, I just know that I have to try. In a way with thinking about why others may not be doing better than me, I think it's because they don't want to be in that crummy mood whenever it gets really hard so they just don't do enough while holding onto their pride. It pretty much means to me that they deserve to be where they are at right now. 

In other words, I believe that you have to work hard to be paid well while doing it consistently and painstakingly on a regular basis. It's like going on a challenging hike where your legs will start aching. You just have to keep on pushing yourself to keep on moving until you get to the top. It's very tiring to do this regularly, but it's in this manner that you have to do it to become successful.