Friday, November 20, 2020

Putting in the Work

Yesterday, so I'm writing this post on 9/31; I watched Game 1 of the NBA Finals with the Lakers vs Heats matchup. It was a blow out with my team winning so without much competition going on, it ended up being pretty boring. I wish I spent my time doing something better like working at my investments and doing a little working out, while also looking up some more recipes that I'm interested in cooking. 

I think I'll just go ahead and get those things out of the way like it's a daily chore for me, since I will feel quite stupid if I don't anymore. Also, I'm going to join up with doing some more programming meetups. 

For my current hobbies, I do enjoy skiing/snowboarding, bowling, watching movies, and doing hiking trips. I'm also pretty chill about making time for being with friends whenever I can.