Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dedicating To Simple Routine

Some of my supervisors at work have been citing that I have a little issue with focusing on my job. It's a little hard for me because in my head I'm always thinking about funny stuff to entertain myself. I'm trying to balance this out now with the occasional random shame that I feel, out of nowhere, probably from doubting in my own personal confidence of displeasing others. It's pretty weird how some people don't understand me, but in general, some people have mental problems from just being totally agitated and unable to let something go very well. I was angry at these people for awhile, but now I think I realize they just have personal problems and something wrong going on in their heads which doesn't allow them to regulate their emotions too well. If they were the happiest people in the world, then they wouldn't really have beef with what I'm doing because common sense is to mainly start worrying if someone is threatening your personal life or getting very suicidal thoughts because of you.

What really solved the issue was just communicating these things to them in a nice weird form of some sort. I don't know how I managed, but still do without getting in big trouble. Anyhow, instead of letting my mind wander off so much into a personal abyss of eternal fun from my imaginations, I would like to make at least a little bit more effort to concentrate in the real world.

This is what I plan to somehow put into action. I usually keep talking about it because I'm pretty forgetful about the things I need to do, until it just becomes ingrained in my head. My mom just gets annoyed by me talking about the same thing, but she's still the same way like myself. I guess that just gives me an advantage in these personal clashes of people being annoyed with me over just being in a bad mood or something. It's because I just realize how they are being with me and can actually speak up to show them their personal fault. They might not really be the best people to partner up with though for me. I might as well just learn to be the leader then with my form of style and just keep getting better at it.