Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Seeing If I Can Get Taller

I think the reason for there not being too many successful short people is that being a short person isn't really average. I think the whole tall people being successful and things coming a little easier to them sort of has to do with how they were raised properly with good parenting or something. Regardless of where we started off in life, as long as we can come to terms with our depressing stuff and some being much more severe than others, I think as long as we get to experience true happiness, it really doesn't matter what our outer appearance truly is.

I just want to try to get taller just for fun so I could look a little more average compared to my peers. I'm not really asking for much now, but it would be cool to defy the laws of medical science that everybody has planted in their heads. The hardest people to convince including myself are those who have a pretty inflexible mind, but I think what gets their attention the best is from testifying about results like those infomercials! I guess putting a little money into it since I have job and just to keep myself motivated for fun won't really hurt. I'm not really hurt by being short in general and think I've developed so much patience to make something into a routine while pushing myself to improve on results.