Sunday, February 2, 2014

Reasoning Back To Becoming Sound

Something that finally catches my breath now is how from being able to laugh about some people's issues with me and not caring so much about what happened, I'm able to function without becoming incredibly mad intermittently from being unable to ignore a past event. I did a little reading up on the inferiority complex, which is a list of behaviors that come from feeling inferior to others. Some people online have joked that short men have this form, so I tried to honestly assess myself with it. It largely comes from caring about how little you feel inside and then trying to compensate by acting different from how others would normally act. In a nutshell, after assessing an annoying and dumb, former-Special Ed. student; you don't have it if you simply don't care.  

To a degree, we all need to not care about some things so much. Like yesterday, I was asking my little sister if she was in any relationship with a guy and then she became very uncomfortable and defensive about it. I joked with her about it, of course and then walked away after calling her a weird person. It was just bantering her a little like siblings can do sometimes, but all in the name of fun. I would normally have been mad because I'm the type who demands a direct, no-nonsense answer when I ask a simple yes-no question. It's definitely something about certain people with issues they can't manage; they just have to keep to themselves, but the indirect body language and words expressed become a little fun to try deciphering to get a reasonable feeling of how the person is doing.

I've basically learned to emotionally adapt to situations that would normally have made me want to crush people in a MMA cage. Life sucks sometimes; Bill Gates also coined the phrase, "[Life isn't fair.] Get used to used to it!" Ever since putting that quote on one of my other posts, I haven't forgot it!