Saturday, February 15, 2014

Managing Personal Time Better

I remember how hard it was to motivate myself to get up out of my seat and work out. The hormones in my brain would have this dissatisfied appeal with the thought of working out and leave me with wanting to just play video games and watch movies all day, while being comfortable and no one bugging me. The mental problem that occurred to me was that I wasn't happy with how things were panning out after awhile. Therefore, I sought after becoming a very healthy individual. Basically, I see that being an athlete is going to make me money on the long run and give me some added bonuses so that's why I'm motivated to go get it!

I'm actually a lot more happier to be able to move around and be on the go. Even the girl I'm into right now has an ambition to work out and stay within a reasonable weight. It's really all coming down to timing and how I go about executing it with a little bit of favor upon me of course, which wouldn't really hurt. I think my path is pretty uniquely laid out these days and that I shouldn't really be fooling around anymore and become really serious with a sense of responsibility and added layer of personal security.

Again, I'm going to try to make myself taller with a routine going. It just doesn't feel natural to do something silly like that attempt for me because I just plain don't care with short I am right now. Anyway, I could use a few more added inches and think it would be nice to be tall, but I don't want to be too tall because it's a longer fall to the ground later on in life. I'm thinking of getting back into martial arts so I can conquer my mind over matter and get improved results with my personal and work life. I also need to start spending more time with the Lord, as well. I've also had a little success at regrowing my hair too and keeping it from falling out like my dad has. It's pretty funny how he looks, but I think my stress was causing me to get a itchy scalp so I would scratch it impulsively and that's probably why my hair fell out and has a hard time regenerating itself. Anyway, it's getting more thicker from the treatments I've been using in the shower. I hope my hair looks very good in time, so I can go back to the old days where I looked good because of my hair style.