Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I just woke up with a nosebleed. That's not a great way to reveal to your mother your love for her. No, that's just a joke. I have an allergy in my nose and it's been contributing to these nose bleeds because of the warm environment during the summer. Blood just started spurting out after the first minutes of waking up with my alarm. I then went to the sink and rinsed my nose carefully with cold water. It felt pretty good after the blood went back to forming a small scab.

I was originally planning on escaping to Six Flags but because it's Mother's Day, I won't really be able to. If I really wanted to, I could play until the evening but that would be really pushing my plans of going out with my mom. I think I'm just going to start studying for those certification exams. I still get some feelings of playing some online poker, but it's not my main passion and the amount of time I need to put into it really blows for me, so I'm just going to go after something that I really want to learn and apply. I do have a degree in Computer Science which I had a hard time obtaining but it felt really good even though I could have had better marks. I'll be writing more about my conditions as time progresses.