Friday, May 7, 2010

Let's Just Dig In To The Moneymaker

I tried to make a really big living out of poker, but I just don't like playing it for a long time. I don't really see anything rewarding out of that activity on the long run for me anymore. Sure, it's fun for recreational purposes and would not really be a big deal. I had so much fun in the past that I don't really remember what sort of depressed me back then. I guess I was just refusing to laugh a lot even though I was which is pretty ironic.

I don't really want to work that long hours anymore or be dedicated to that process anymore. It's just not for me. The right thing for me is to just do everything alright in whatever I decide to do and to just keep trying and letting go of some things that don't really work out in the end. Hard work for me should be a gratuitous activity, regardless of the outcome and I should be happy with what I was working on. I should not really be so intimidated by it anymore and just go for it while still young and never look back.