Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I feel really sheepish with the idea of just sitting on my desk all day and not doing anything to let the time fly by. I am not that great of a problem solver as well. I'm not that great with a lot of things compared to others in this world.

I'm finding that working with computers to earn a living would be simple for me and be challenging at times. I remember how I was like in the past; just really moody and always wanting to give up from trying so hard. I would just stress out so much and be so nervous and fed up over it. I've now grown over those feelings now and ready to move on now.

You know I think I could propose some fun ideas and be pretty relaxed engaging in those activities. There's something that I know I could really do to be satisfied and relaxed and not really burn out. I think sticking with computers is going to be helping me out a lot now. That's what I should really stick with. I could see myself nailing those interviews now and having a good chance of working on it. I guess it's about working on something you like doing and having fun working hard at it. If it brings a lot of satisfaction then I think that's what really counts. I guess I would like to be this thinker who gets to come up with this great idea and then set up a powerful business and then obtain some help in giving back to communities.