Friday, May 7, 2010

Type Of Work I Want To Find

I guess if you are going to dream then might as well dream really big. I think a type of work that I really enjoy doing is fixing and doing fancy stuff with the computer. This is what I've been doing since I was pretty small. I think I have a lot of potential these days because of my willingness to relax on projects.

I also have this idea where I may not really need to find a job to get rich. I'm thinking about pursuing a career with investing, so that could help me get rich pretty fast. From everything I've been doing, I guess becoming a better person means just working at it and letting it be a work-in-progress.

From working, I really did not like the feeling of being stuck there with nothing to do for like eight hours straight. I would not also mind working mindlessly and with some type of repertoire to never really have to worry about anything financially.

I would really like to have some auto-pilot income and then let it grow to the point of never needing to work anymore but working out of not really any obligation but just out of enjoyment of doing something. Maybe I could try creating some interest clubs and leading them and see if any of them will spin off anymore.